Available courses

Remote Know Your Customer Workshop for Somali Pharmaceutical Practitioners
This webinar series aims to raise awareness of Know-Your-Customer (KYC) best practices for Pharmaceutical practitioners. Through the interactive webinar platform, the participants will learn how to recognize suspicious purchase requests, develop customer vetting strategies, and understand regulations regarding the sale of dual-use chemicals. Topics covered during the webinar will include chemical security threats and chemicals of concern, KYC principles and best practices, suspicious indicators, and strategies to implement KYC.

KCS 22 - Online Refresher Workshop for Somali Trainers Somali-Led Material Control and Accountability Workshop for Small to Medium Scale Chemical Industries
This training is a refresher workshop intended for Somali alumni on Chemical Inventory Management Systems (CIMS). The training is aimed at refreshing the alumni on what they had learnt on CIMS as well as introduce them to the current CIMS version developed by Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL). This will adequately prepare the alumni to be champions to effectively conduct a training on Somali-Led Material Control and Accountability Workshop for Small to Medium Scale Chemical Industries. The training will be based on the latest version of Sandia National Laboratories’ (SNL) an open access Chemical Management Software.
KCS 22-Identification, Neutralization, and Disposal Strategies for Abandoned and Stockpiled Dual-Use Chemicals in Kenya
This training focuses on implementing chemical stockpile destruction and neutralization strategies. The workshop will involve identifying and implementing efforts to remediate abandoned and stockpiled dual-use weaponizable chemicals targeting small-to-medium-sized chemical enterprises and academic institutions in Kenya. This will help Kenyans deal with the threat of stockpiled dual-use chemicals by giving them the tools and strategies they need to identify, treat, secure, neutralize, and dispose of these chemicals.
KCS 21 - Chemical Security Training Workshop for Ministry of Agriculture Policy Makers and Agrochemical Association Leaders in Kenya
KCS and PNNL will bring together policy makers and stakeholders in the agrochemical sectors to discuss security vulnerability of agrochemicals, evaluate existing policy, legislation and regulation and develop policy framework for securing dual use agrochemicals in Kenya. PNNL and KCS will use these opportunities to highlight existing chemical security work and areas where senior level government officials can provide additional support.